I have read many books about success, motivation, and psychology over the years. There is one main missing ingredient in the recipe for success. Being that I am a child of the Most High God, I cannot in good conscience leave out what is truly the most important first step to have a joyful and complete life.

We can be and are manipulated by the spiritual world. My goal is to help you understand the importance of recognizing when you are being manipulated and how to overcome it. Once you understand the spiritual world, you can then focus on the physical. Many people are being controlled by the spiritual realm and don’t even realize what is happening. You need to use every weapon in both the spiritual world and the physical world at your disposal to win in life.
Ephesians 6:12 tells us that, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Understanding The War Brought Against Christians
Understanding that the battle is not just of a physical nature but of a spiritual one enables us to accelerate our success by using many tools that Almighty God gives us to fight and win this war being brought against us. Granted, there are many of you who will say that there are many successful people, or at least what the world calls successful that not only don’t follow these principles but also don’t even follow God in any way. While this may true, it is because they have worldly success.
There Are Other Realms That We Cannot See
2 Kings 6:17-20, Then Elisha prayed, “O GOD, open his eyes and let him see.” The eyes of the young man were opened, and he saw. A wonder! The whole mountainside full of horses and chariots of fire surrounding Elisha. According to the word of God we have angels that are with us, guiding our steps and protecting us. In other words, we are surrounded by angels and demons all the time.

There is a world in another dimension that we do not see and that has power over us. This is why it is so important to know and understand what goes on in this spiritual realm so we can have the success in life that we were meant to have. What we advocate is complete success which involves not only success in this current world we live in but also the life to come that is going to last forever.
Worldly Verses True Success
Successful people who have only worldly success also utilize many of the ideas we are talking about in this training. One example is, The so-called Law of Attraction. Proverbs 18:21 in the Bible teaches that, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.” Most successful people that I know and that you will see on social media, the news, television, and in your day-to-day life have one main thing in common. As a general rule they have a positive mental attitude. They are confident and speak success into their lives.

Most successful people, meaning people who accomplish the goals they set for themselves, will not speak negativity into their lives. They don’t hang out with negative people. They avoid talking trash about other people with their acquaintances, friends, or family.
Speaking Against And Judging Others Is Akin To Murder According To The Bible
The Bible tells us in James 4:11-12 “Do not speak evil against one another, brothers. The one who speaks against a brother or judges his brother, speaks evil against the law and judges the law.”
Each Word Is A Gift
Proverbs 11:13; 20:19; 26:20; and 1 Timothy 5:13 all label gossipers as untrustworthy and meddlesome. Romans 1:29, 32, Considers gossipers to be worthy of death. Ephesians 4:29, Paul says, “Watch the way you talk. Let nothing foul or dirty come out of your mouth. Say only what helps, each word a gift.” He also compares unwholesome speech to bacteria and fungi that can break down and destroy those around you.

The quotes from God’s word are from the King James Version of the Bible
Leviticus 19:16 says, “You shall not go around as a slanderer among your people, and you shall not stand up against the life of your neighbor: I am the LORD.” Proverbs 26:20, “For lack of wood the fire goes out, and where there is no whisperer, quarreling ceases.” Proverbs 18:21 states, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue and those who love it will eat its fruits.” Yes, I am being repetitive here, however I truly believe it is that important. I am speaking to my own self as well as you.
Matthew 12:36 teaches us that, “I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak.” This shows us just how important it is to Almighty God that we speak good into our lives. It is of the utmost importance that we are very careful what we say so as not to sabotage not only our own success but the success of others.
There are many more verses in the Bible that teach us what to do when it comes to the power of the tongue. Psalms 34:13, “Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking deceit.”
The Most Important Step For Living A Truly Fulfilling Life
The very FIRST key to success is to give your heart to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (Yeshua). Believe that he died to pay your sin debt. Believe He rose again in 3 days and ask Him to come into your heart and save your soul.

The SECOND thing to do is to pray about everything you do, ask for the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Pray for God’s will to be done because He knows the beginning and the end and everything in between. He knows what you need before you even know what you need. Trust that God will lead you down the right path. God is going before you and making your crooked ways straight.
The THIRD thing to be careful of is your own thoughts. Make sure that you are thinking positive, being grateful for what God gives you. Almighty God came to Abraham and told him his wife Sarai would have a baby. Sarai, who was later known as Sarah overheard the conversation from the tent she was in. She laughed to herself, not out loud but only to herself. When Sarah laughed to herself in Genesis 18:12-15, remember she did not laugh out loud but to herself, she was afraid and denied laughing. But Almighty God who knows the heart said, “Yes you did laugh.” The reason God called Sarah out for laughing to herself was because He was building her faith. She did not say it out loud and so she thought no one would know, however God knew.
God Knows and Searches The Heart Of Man
The point of this story is that God knows your heart, meaning your thoughts, and He has set things up in such a way that you not only get what you speak but it requires faith for God to answer prayer and bless you. You will attract what you think about most. You will draw to you what you proclaim, which means to speak it out loud. God made the world, not with his hands but with the breath from His mouth. The Hebrew word used is RUACH, which has many meanings and appears 387 times in the Hebrew Bible and is often used in passages that refer to the Holy Spirit. The meanings are usually, wind, breath, mind, and spirit. So, in other words, God spoke the world into existence. God’s rules show that there is much power in your words.
Ways To Stay In The Spirit

I know of a man who carried a rock around in his pants pocket and he called it a gratitude rock. Every time he reached into his pocket and felt that rock, he was prompted to thank God or to be grateful for something good in his life. Sometimes things we think are bad turn out to be good for other reasons because they lead exactly right where we need to be. Almighty God knows. Praise the Lord!
Power In Your Words, You Can Speak Victory and Success Into Existence
The FOURTH step is your actual words. You should wake up praising Almighty God and giving thanks to Him. You should proclaim victory in the name of Yeshua (Jesus Christ) and the shed blood on the cross. Once you have asked God for what you need and want, as long as it is in line with His will, you need not ask anymore. You don’t need to beg. God knew what you wanted and needed even before you did. Once you ask then all you need to do is have faith that it is going to happen and thank Almighty God for it in expectation that you have what you ask.

Matthew 6:8, “Your Father knows what your need before you ask Him.” The key to prayer is in 1John 5:14, where the Bible tells us that if we ask anything according to His will, God hears us. You have to remember that God wants good things for us, His children. Satan does bad things to people and sometimes God allows this to test us, however Satan’s power is limited. God wants good things for us and according to His will means that if we are trusting in God, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus and the shed blood on the cross then our thoughts and desires will align with Almighty God. We must thank God even if what we see hasn’t happened yet, knowing that it will. That doesn’t mean things always turn out the way we ask because sometimes God has other plans for us. We need to have faith that His plans will lead us down a better path but will be done none the less.
More On The Spiritual Realm
Another thing many people including Christians don’t take into account is demon oppression and possession. Christians who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and believe that He died on the cross for our sins and rose again in 3 days cannot be possessed because they are filled with the Holy Spirit. However, those same Christians can be oppressed.
With all the murder and evil running rampant in our world today it only makes sense that a great majority of those people are demon possessed. The moment Satan thinks that we will be a blessing to others, and that we decided to serve the most high God, then he and his demons will pour on the oppression. They will attack you all they can from all sides to try and stop you or manipulate you to do what they want and stop serving Almighty God.
Demons cannot oppress you unless you open the door to them. Generally, possession starts because someone opened the door. What I mean by opening the door is for example when you rely on a Ouija board and attempt to communicate with the dead. You can buy a piece of art or an object that is related to voodoo or magic somehow and you then open a door for demons. Talking negatively and fighting with family members for instance can open a door. Satan and his demons love descension. They feed off of the negative energy that is being put out during an argument or fight. The Lord tells us in His word that we must guard our hearts at all times.

We must take care of every thought and every word that comes out of our mouths. We must put those thoughts that are not useful under captivity. There is so much more that I can write about the spiritual aspect of our lives but hopefully at this juncture I have made a point of just how important the spiritual aspect is to our lives and how much it affects the success and joy that we experience.
Demons Have Feelings and Personalities
Whenever an exorcism occurs, and a demon is removed from a victim of possession that house is empty and swept clean. The demon will look back and see that the house he possessed, meaning the body of the victim of possession, is empty and swept clean. He will then take 7 other demons more evil than himself and the persons condition will be worse than the first time. The way to insure the house is not empty is for them to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and then the Holy Spirit resides in them so that the house, their body, is not empty. That person then will never be able to be possessed again.
This example shows us that demons are all different in their personalities. Some are more evil than others. When ever there is a haunting you will hear paranormal investigators say things like, “Oh, that poor little girl died a violent death and she is haunting this home.” They claim that if something is malevolent that it is a demon. Understand, that according to God’s word they are all demons. The Bible is very clear on where humans go when they die. There are only two places for someone who passes away to go, one is hell and the other is heaven.
Why Would A Loving God Send Someone To Hell?
God does not send people to hell. Everyone is given a chance to accept Jesus (Yeshua) Christ as savior. If they reject Almighty God, Yeshua, and the shed blood on the cross God is simply giving you what you asked for. He is letting you be separate from Him. He is saying that there has to be a punishment for sin because Almighty God is Lord and He is a just God. Since there has to be payment for sin and you reject what Jesus (Yeshua) did on the cross then you are saying I will just pay my own sin debt. No one can fully pay their own sin debt. Therefore you will spend eternity paying for what you could have accepted for free.
The Choice Is Yours To Make
Salvation is a free gift from the Lord. Just as an unblemished lamb had to be sacrificed for sin in the old testament, there had to be an innocent lamb sacrificed to pay the sin debt for all of mankind. Sin came into the world by one man and all men were saved by one man, Jesus (Yeshua) Christ who is also Lord as well as savior. If you deny our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (Yeshua), you are simply saying NO! Lord I don’t accept the free gift you are offering me. I don’t accept that you loved me so much that you paid my sin debt. I don’t accept that you loved me so much Lord that you sent your only begotten son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. I choose to be separated from you forever and pay my own sin debt. Those that do not accept the free gift from Almighty God need to SHUT UP AND STOP BLAMING GOD AND SAYING YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND WHY GOD WOULD SEND SOMEONE TO HELL. NOW YOU KNOW GOD WOULD NOT DO THAT. YOU MAKE THAT CHOICE CLEARLY.
I want to end this article by saying I hope all who read this are truly blessed. I hope you have decided to accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior. I did not want to end a Blog article with what seems like such a Negative and some might call it a rude comment. However, we need to stop blaming God. All of us are guilty of this and we serve a great God, an almighty God, may God who should be revered and not blamed for things that he is not responsible for. Satan is to blame for all the bad things that happen. I do not believe you can have a truly successful or blessed life if you do not understand the spirit world and it’s effects on our everyday lives.
Check back later this week when I look at the second phase of the real secret to success.